Thank you to our customers for great feedback. It always leads to new features and moving our service to the next level.
We have many customers that use our service for call centers (to offset phone call costs), shopping malls, doctors' offices and other situations where the Messages view is always open and customer service folks are responding to customers from the website and not from their cell phones.
So to make it easier for our customers to know when new messages come in, we just launched message notifications from the Dashboard. When you're on the Messages page (viewing all conversations for a location) or the customer message page (viewing conversations with one customer) we now pop up a notification when a new message comes in so you can respond immediately. No need to refresh the page to see if something new has come in!
Here's an example:
As you can see, the notification shows up right at the top, and even in the tab of your browser, as shown below.
You will also receive an audio alert if you are on Internet Explorer version 9 or above, Chrome, Firefox, and other modern browsers.
On older Internet Explorer versions, you'll get a pop-up alert if you are not viewing the browser tab, causing the tab to flash.
Clicking the notification area refreshes the messages and highlights the new ones.
We're still experimenting with making this better, so please give us your feedback (as always) on how this is working for you. We love to make improvements.